Linseed Poultice

Linseed Poultice

There are so many things you can do with linseed and the Poultice has been used in many a home, hospital and battlefield.  Here is our version of the Royal Army Medical Corps training on Linseed Poultices.


                    You will need:


Linseeds (milled or crushed) – the amount varies depending on the size of the poultice, we recommend you start with a cup full or 250g


A board


A bowl


A kettle


Boiling water – Half a pint


Spatula or flat knife


Linen or tow


Crushed or milled linseed is most commonly used for a poultice. Heat the knife and bowl. Add sufficient boiling water to the bowl. Then add the milled linseed whilst stirring at the same time with the spatula. Once enough linseed meal has been added the mixture will come away clean from the edge of the bowl and should be turned out on the linen and spread evenlyand quickly with the spatula, the latter being dipped in boiling water between each stroke. The layer of linseed meal should be a quarter of an inch (7-8mm) thick and it should be spread to within one inch (30mm) of the linen, when the former should be folded and the latter rolled in all round.


Care should be taken not to apply the poultice too hot; this can be avoided by testing it on the back of your hand. When placed in position the poultice should be covered with a thick layer of cotton wool and secured by a bandage.