Say No to Krill oil, and Yes to Linseed/Flaxseed

Say No to Krill oil, and Yes to Linseed/Flaxseed

Linseed (Flaxseed) Vs Krill Oil - Unlike Krill, Linseed can be stored, milled and pressed on demand with little impact on the environment and without depriving Baleen whales of their supper. This ability to store Linseed means we provide fresh oil and milled seeds for you.

Say No to Krill oil, and Yes to Linseed/Flaxseed, welcome to our wonderful world. 

Reasons to have our linseed in your life, every day!

Linseed has the most amazing blue flowers that enhance the countryside for about a month every year around June or July time; it’s the most useful “happiness flower”. It is sustainable, can be planted and harvested with conventional machines and it’s part of the field rotation system that helps keep the soil in good condition.

Unlike Krill, Linseed can be stored, milled and pressed on demand with little impact on the environment and without depriving Baleen whales of their supper. This ability to store Linseed means we provide fresh oil and milled seeds for you. Our secret is freshness and freshness is vital as rancid fats of any kind are bad for you! You can easily tell if linseed is rancid as it will have a bitter metallic taste. This simple test can be performed on capsules as well. Try cutting your capsule in half and tasting its contents, if it’s horrible, do not use. Order yourself some lovely fresh ones from The Linseed Farm.

Incorporating Linseed oil or linseed pods (capsules) in your life will help balance your Cholesterol levels without resorting to Statins and without suffering negative side effects. This is a health food claim we are allowed to make. Therefore it is a great health benefit for you and we can shout about this from the rooftops without fear of contradiction.

Our Linseed meal is low GI, Gluten free and contains natural Phytoestrogens. The many benefits of linseed meal are due to its high levels of protein which is good for muscle maintenance and growth. It contains magnesium which will help to reduce tiredness and fatigue and Iron is important for oxygen transport and the formation of red blood cells. The meal also has the Omega 3 blood cholesterol balancing effects as explained above.

Linseed supports life from cradle to grave and has been promoted by the most iconic names the world has seen, such as Hippocrates, Charlemagne, Ghandi and Dr Johanna Budwig. Now in this new century, me, Durwin Banks, that is a great pedigree by anyone’s standards. So let’s follow tradition, stop raping the oceans for Krill. Get Linseed in your life. To quote Ghandi "wherever there is linseed there will be health."

Sorry Carole Vorderman you do the maths and we’ll do the Omega 3. Please leave the Krill in the sea.

Durwin Banks your heart centred farmer.

Durwin Banks

Durwin Banks
The Linseed Farm