Why You Do NOT need Krill!

Why You Do NOT need Krill!

The omega 3 from linseed is called alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fat not produced in the body. ALA is the parent Omega 3 oil with so many additional benefits over fish type oils. The omega 3 in the fish oils are different, they are called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid); these are not essential fats because these can be made in the body.

The say No to Krill campaign goes on.

We have had a wonderful response from our first two say NO to Krill blogs. There are many people out there concerned about how we are abusing the Oceans of the world, which is very heartening. After all the political manoeuvring of the last few weeks I am pleased to tell you that it is You who can help to bring about change. You do have power, so when comes the time to replenish your omega three products please opt to go direct to the producer www.thelinseedfarm.co.uk.

The Linseed Farm provides sustainable, ethical and lovingly produced omega 3 from fields of blue linseed flowers that look very much like water as you pass them by. The omega 3 from linseed is called alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fat not produced in the body. ALA is the parent Omega 3 oil with so many additional benefits over fish type oils. The omega 3 in the fish oils are different, they are called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid); these are not essential fats because these can be made in the body. We have been given the ability to make EPA / DHA, this is because of where we came from as a species, the rift valley in Africa, where there are no oily fish! Our amazing bodies do need EPA and DHA, and as long as we have ALA from the seeds and plants we can make all the EPA / DHA we need. It is quite clear that we have done this successfully for thousands of years, proof we are still here on earth!

Our success and evolution as a species is reliant on fundamental cell membrane making materials being included in our diet of which fats are some of the most basic. It is important that we need to know what these fats are and where in the food chain to obtain them. Krill was not part of our food chain so let’s leave them in the seas to continue to be part of the marine food chain where they perform the role given to them.

So, from some basic raw materials we function and do all the things humans love to do. The question is why do we have so many chronic health problems and what can we do about them. It is well accepted that the brain is mostly fat. To correspond with National Mental Health Awareness week we will analyse the roll of fats (lipids) in our own personal computer, so much more powerful than man has yet produced, and ask, Does our food labelling system cause mental health issues and what changes are needed to help us understand how to choose the right fats for our brain.

So there you are Carol Vorderman, to be good at maths you need a brain full of fats and Krill was never a part of the formula.

A message from Durwin Banks your heart centred farmer

Durwin Banks

Durwin Banks
The Linseed Farm