
Do Food Labels Help Balance Your Omegas - Mental Health Awareness Month

Do Food Labels Help Balance Your Omegas - Mental Health Awareness Month

The importance of balancing your Omega 3 & 6. Do food labels give you the right information? Omega 3 and new life!

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Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness

1st of our blogs in-line with Mental Health Awareness: Mental health issues may be looked upon as, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s, ADHD and dyslexia and other conditions reliant on brain cell communication.

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Lipids - Mental Health Awareness

Lipids - Mental Health Awareness

Paper two, the fat in food, industrial and home adulteration. The brain is 60% fat and it is so important to have the right fats at the right balance.

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Why You Do NOT need Krill!

Why You Do NOT need Krill!

The omega 3 from linseed is called alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fat not produced in the body. ALA is the parent Omega 3 oil with so many additional benefits over fish type oils. The omega 3 in the fish oils are different, they are called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid); these are not essential fats because these can be made in the body.

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Say No to Krill oil, and Yes to Linseed/Flaxseed

Say No to Krill oil, and Yes to Linseed/Flaxseed

Linseed (Flaxseed) Vs Krill Oil - Unlike Krill, Linseed can be stored, milled and pressed on demand with little impact on the environment and without depriving Baleen whales of their supper. This ability to store Linseed means we provide fresh oil and milled seeds for you.

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Krill Blog

Krill Blog

Some things for you to think about before you pop your Krill pill! Krill is industrially plundered in vast quantities with goodness knows what else and causes damage to the sea and other creatures.

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Oct 2014 Newsletter - Balance Cholesterol Naturally with Linseed/Flaxseed Oil

Oct 2014 Newsletter - Balance Cholesterol Naturally with Linseed/Flaxseed Oil

Our News letter talks about balancing Cholesterol naturally by eating linseed oil (flaxseed oil or flax oil) into to your diet. A teaspoon a day of the omega 3 ALA alpha linolenic acid found in our oil will balance your cholesterol.

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Sept 2014 Newsletter - Gluten Free Bakery

Sept 2014 Newsletter - Gluten Free Bakery

Gluten Free Bakery using flaxseed also known as linseed. The bakery is where we make our new Crisplins – a healthy alternative to crisps - delicious Flaplins (flapjacks made with milled linseed) and Sussex Ginger Fruitlin cakes which will be available to buy online through our website.

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